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Azerbaijan on my mind

baku-panoramaAzerbaijan on my mind

Dear Lithuanians

By financial support from the Youth Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani Youth Organization of Lithuania launch new project which we offer to local and international people to participate in the presentation contest under the title “Azerbaijan on my mind”.

Follow, you can find the information about the participation requirements and prizes considered for the participants.


a) Students and young researchers: 18-29 years old

The presentations can contained one of the following parts

a) Economy

b) History

c) Art, culture, tradition

You are eligible to choose any topics related to Azerbaijan.

You can include last century, last 20 years of independency or last 10 years.


Presentation formalities

a) Presentation should be sent until to 22 March 2014

b) Presentation should be sent to via (

c) Presentations should be minimum 15-20 slides and fully informative including creative approach

d) Presentations can be in PowerPoint, or other formats.


The jury commission will choose the best 3 presentation

1 place – Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 (certificate)

place – Samsung Galaxy SII plus (certificate)

3 place – Samsung Smart Camera (certificate)

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