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Photography Competition for Azerbaijani students


Do you have an eye for something beautiful, unusual or striking in Lithuania? Would you like to show your artistic talent at the exhibition and possibly win valuable prizes? Enter our Photography Competition 2015 and share your experiences of studies in Lithuania through your photographs.

Terms and conditions


Student Photography Competition is open to all Azerbaijani students who study or have studied at the Universities and colleges in Lithuania within the last five years.

All participants must submit supporting information along with their photograph(s), and must have the consent of any photographed subjects. All submitted entries (photos) must be the work of the individual submitting them and the participant should hold sole copyright.


We suggest the following topics:

  • My studies in Lithuania
  • Things I loved most in Lithuania
  • Living like a local (local events, cultural activities, everyday life)


The competition will accept submissions from Monday 21 until Wednesday 30 September 2015.


Submission of entries

Participants may submit the maximum of 5 photographs each, via email to (you could use Wetransfer)

Each photograph must be accompanied by the following information:

  • Name and contact information of the participant (e-mail,, address) ;
  • University and date of studies in Lithuania;
  • Location of the image.
  • Short description of the photo (not obligatory)

All submitted photos must be in colour with minimal digital manipulation. Frames and text should not be present on the submitted images. Photographs should be of high visual quality and files must be no larger than 10MB each. Ideally, the resolution of submitted photographs should be 300dpi at A4 and (where possible) they should be in landscape format.

Judging and prizes

Main prizes and competition winners

To choose the photographs for the exhibition and award the main prizes, a panel of judges will be drawn from Embassy of Azerbaijan in Lithuania, Embassy of Lithuania in Azerbaijan and Education Exchanges Support Foundation.

Exhibition and award ceremony

Special exhibition composed from 10 best photographs “My studies in Lithuania” will be presented to the public on the 8th of October 2015 in Baku, hotel “Holliday Inn”. The winners or their parents will be invited to the opening ceremony and awarded special prizes.

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